Calling all contractors. (You could sneak in if you are an engineer with a vested interest.) On May 3rd, there’s a contractor event in Madison. It’s all about residential heat pumps. I know you know what a heat pump is. But your field guys are boo-hooing them. “Heat...
Hey folks, By popular demand, you can schedule and register yourself for Air Flow training classes for the remainder of the year. Register for Training Classes Also, the recordings of the following classes are up on the website. A separate announcement will be made...
April Fool’s Day is tomorrow. But this is no joke. Due to a scheduling conflict with one of our presenters, we are going to re-schedule our April 11, 2023 training class, Optimizing Large Volume Building Air Conditioning, Heating and Control. Stay tuned for details....
Photo left: Fabric Ducting in Food Processing | Photo right: Overhead Displacement Diffusers Displacement works great for tall commercial spaces that are air conditioned, right? Convention centers, churches, auditoriums, atriums, music halls. You’ve heard this from me...
Calling all the REVIT techs, junior engineers, and design engineers and assistant project managers. This class is for you. Your project or department manager wants you to take on more initiative. But right after that, they want you to use the spreadsheet and product...
Those are some nice brushes. Which should we use to paint the entire wall? Slightly longer post warning. Bear with me. For our next class, “Learning about Large Building Heating and Control”, we have a lot of speakers and subjects. Infrared, makeup air, roof fans, air...
“Should I sign up for the heating class?” “These products are straightforward. Probably not much to learn.” How the average engineer looks at these topics: (No judgment here. This is what you’d say.) Infrared: It heats objects instead of air. I get it....
Hey, the sign of a truly great organization is to love up on your people. Show them you love them and send them to Advanced Fan Training at Air Flow with Loren Cook. There’s a very important Fan Basics Class on the 16th as well. You are invited to Embracing Advanced...
“Your fan is acting up.” It’s almost never true. The same can be said about our competitors’ fans. Fans may seem to have personalities, but they really have none. I have heard many people describe fans like disgruntled teenagers. Ornery. Touchy. Temperamental....
Here’s the fan, a direct drive utility set, designed for 10000 cfm at 2” of static pressure. Here’s the performance, extrapolated from Loren Cook’s selection program. Wait, stop, hold on. The smallest fan with the highest brake horsepower has the smallest motor. That...