Hey there, Air Flow course content follower.
For 2024, I thought it would be fun to have a literary theme for each class. From ‘Frankenstein’ to ‘1984’ to the Old Testament.
Take a moment and try to picture yourself back in freshman English. If you were in honors English, maybe you were trying to prove you were the sharpest cat in the room. For the rest of us, we were trying to balance our social anxiety and our need to participate in class. Maybe, with all that balancing, the point of the class got away from us.
Then again, at one point or another, a book hit home. You learned a fundamental lesson, your world turned sideways, and you became an ever-so-slightly different (better?) person for it.
Our 2024 classes will also cover several fundamentals, such as AHRI testing, duct leakage and electrical for HVAC. And for fun, there is a loose connection between the theme of a class and a book you may have read in high school.
All the classes contain an HVAC itch that I want to scratch. Turns out a number of my trial-and-error moments have morphed into nuggets of wisdom for Air Flow’s course curriculum. We’ve even incorporated a few of those lessons I wish I knew that I didn’t.
Our goal is for these classes to create changes in the way you think and act as well.
See you in 2024.
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53223