Photo left: Fabric Ducting in Food Processing | Photo right: Overhead Displacement Diffusers
Displacement works great for tall commercial spaces that are air conditioned, right?
Convention centers, churches, auditoriums, atriums, music halls. You’ve heard this from me before.
What about industrial air-conditioned spaces? Did the rules change?
How about we look at both, through CFD, so we can at the very least be informed.
Yeah yeah I know it’s harder. I already addressed that in the last blog post.
See you in school. Registration is easy. The link is below. Know another person interested in this subject, feel free to share.
You are invited to Optimizing Large Volume Building Air Conditioning , Heating and Control
This is an in-person class with an option for remote attendance.
When: April 11, 8:30 AM CT
Topic: Optimizing Large Volume Building Air Conditioning , Heating and Control
You can register for in-person or remote attendance with the link
Manufacturers Represented: Tempmaster by JCI, Price Predict CFD, AbsolutAire and Fabricair
PDH credits available: 4
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223