
A Closer Look Inside the Neptronic Humidifier Box


All humidifiers look nice on the outside.  Powder coated box with a keypad.

Kind of simple, really.  Water in, power in, steam out, drain out, (gas in, vent out?).

The magic (or tragic) happens when you open the box and figure out what it’s going to take to clean the humidifier or replace a part.

Humidifiers (especially without RO water) require service, that’s just the way it is.

Neptronic SKE4 Electric Humidifier

Discover how easy it is to service a Neptronic electric humidifier in this newly released video animation. The humidifier elements are easy to clean, and the integral drain pump reduces down time, so your customer’s space gets back to setpoint quicker.

Neptronic SKG4 Gas Fired Humidifier

Similar to the electric unit, get an inside look at how the burner assembly and heat exchanger in the Neptronic gas fired humidifier work.

Call us regarding your next project.


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