When I was a kid, there were two standard building toys.
Back then, the kids that built with Erector Sets were proud of what they did; they loved those sets. Erector Sets required a lot more patience, parts, fasteners, measuring, and so forth than Tinker Toys. Mechanical contractors may feel that way about strut and rod, the grown-up version of an Erector Set.
I was never patient enough to use Erector sets; Tinkertoys were my preferred system. You could build something up in no time. Just fit the pieces together.
That’s probably why I’m such a fan of Gripple now.
You can accomplish the same outcome WAY faster using the new Gripple Strut and Unigrip QT. Look closely at the figure below. No cutting. Accomplish the Erector Set outcome with the Tinkertoy effort.

Don’t take my word for it.
We’ll show you.
You're invited to a Zoom webinar
When: May 12, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Maybe you don’t need more field labor – maybe you need a better (Gripple) plan.
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223