Air Flow is bringing the low ambient heat pumps to you.
We’ve shared our low-ambient heat pump solutions via blogs and webinars, and now it’s time for you to put your hands on them.
It won’t take long. 15-30 minutes, depending on how many great questions you ask.
Why should you look at it?
#1 – you’re going to say ‘I wish I’d have known about that X number of years ago, when I…’
This Kinghome low ambient lineup adds a few new problem-solvers to your toolbox, one that can get you out of a bunch of gas or hydronic piping, and without a full electric backup.
And when someone says ‘heat pumps don’t work in cold climates, you’ll have a fact-based rebuttal.
#2 – the world changed, just a few days ago.
The US just passed some historic climate legislation. (It was packaged as an inflation bill.)
The talk of the town in Washington DC is heat pumps, and about giving homeowners incentives to put them in.
Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and California are aggressively passing legislation to decarbonize their buildings.
California will be without gas cars and appliances before you know it.
#3 – there’s juice in it for your residential customers
Here in Wisconsin, Focus on Energy will give a homeowner $1500 NOW for a dual fuel application with natural gas. (And yes, our dual fuel product is compliant.)
Check out our lineup.
All systems shown above:
Stocked at Air Flow
No heating shutoff until -31F (or lower)
Rated heating performance down to -22F
$1500 Dual fuel rebate approved by Focus on Energy
Want to schedule a call on a specific date?
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223