
How much outside air is coming through the rooftop unit?


There isn’t any place to run straight duct … 



Two suggested methods to get that information:

From Lennox

Lennox offers a single point outside air flow sensor with their Energence series units. The input ties into their Lennox’s Prodigy microprocessor control to modulate the economizer dampers to maintain a minimum cfm.


The air flow value can then be mapped back to a building automation system via BACnet or LON.

The air flow sensor is factory mounted on units 20 tons and above, and available for field installation under 20 tons. It can be applied to any Energence series unit, and the option costs about $650.

From Ruskin

Ruskin’s AML3 air flow measuring louver can be manufactured with a sleeve to take the place of the rooftop unit outside air hood. (See item 12 in image above).




In this arrangement, the control contractor will have to interface to the rooftop unit microprocessor control to take over or share control of the economizer.

If monitoring is the only requirement, the AML3 is an excellent solution for an existing unit or a new unit that doesn’t offer the same outside air control option

For Ruskin’s complete Air Flow Measuring Catalog, click here.


Air Flow recently became the manufacturer’s representative for Lennox industries. For more information about Lennox, Ruskin, or any of our suppliers, contact your sales representative or Tom Gelin at tom@airflowinc.biz or 414-351-7744.


Tom Gelin

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