Air Flow’s upcoming class Industry Testing Standards of HVAC Equipment (AMCA, AHRI, AMCA Sound) is going to spend some time on silencers.
The numbers insertion loss and pressure drop data is important.
But more important is how the numbers were arrived upon. Conveniently (for Air Flow), Price has a certified NVLAP lab. The others? Not so much.
Unfortunately, there are many ways to cheat.
Here’s an example. It used to be that one silencer, 24×24, was tested by silencer manufacturers, and that data was gospel. Let’s say you have a 36×36 duct. Is it reasonable to say the DIL (decibel insertion loss) is the same because both ducts have the same aspect ratio? What if the duct is 80×40? Same conclusion?
What we want you to take away from this class is this: a working understanding of what gets tested and what doesn’t.
No one wants to hear ‘you should have known better’ after a problem is discovered. Forget the blame/shame of the last sentence, and instead consider ‘wouldn’t it be nice to know?’
See you in class.
You are invited to "Industry Testing Standards of HVAC Equipment (AMCA, AHRI, AMCA Sound)"
This is an in-person class with an option for remote attendance.
When: June 18, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Topic: Industry Testing Standards of HVAC Equipment (AMCA, AHRI, AMCA Sound)
You can register for in-person or remote attendance with the link
Manufacturers Represented: Price Industries, Ruskin
PDH credits available: 2