Think about that job.
The one that went all wrong.
The one that kept you up at night.
It had you question whether this industry was still right for you.
Someone dropped the ball and let you down.
It wasn’t the dollars lost, the hours spent, or the lecture your boss gave you for being a knucklehead.
You’re upset because someone you trusted let you down in a big way.
They didn’t take care of business, and worse, acted indifferently as the problems progressed.
Maybe it wasn’t even their fault.
But shoot, you trusted them, and now look at where that got you.
Maybe you shouldn’t do that again.
It’s tempting to push your effort all the way to the POWER side of the fulcrum, especially when you’ve been hurt by someone) you trusted.
I’ve been there too. Air Flow has been fired many times by manufacturers on short notice. Some of them, we knew it was coming. Others, out of left field and especially painful. An early afternoon trip to the bar made it feel better, but the hurt was still there the next day.
Not much different from love, is it? We all need to pick good partners.
Unfortunately, the relationships that are simply POWER based are so, transactional, and just so, well, UNSATISFYING.
We cannot and should not ignore the risks. And now that we’ve reviewed the worst risk (betrayal), I still believe that building a TRUST based relationship is worth the risk of giving up POWER. Maybe you do too.

All the best,
Tom Gelin
Air Flow, Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53223