
The right dehumidification tool can be elusive


All tools are good. 

Matching the tool to the job is straightforward when you’re digging a hole. 

Managing humidity is certainly more challenging. 

The more tools at your disposal, the better you’ll be at accomplishing your job.

Each of the manufacturers presenting at our next class will have a chance to showcase the sweet spot for their tools. 

Tempmaster by JCI has hot gas bypass, hot gas reheat, and Rawal valves. 

Solutionair by Price Industries has a DX unit that can accomplish more dehumidification than a conventional, modified RTU.

Beyond that, we’re into the world of desiccants.

AirGreen, a new friend of Air Flow, has a low energy liquid desiccant solution for still greater moisture removal.

Bry-Air has the desiccant wheel solutions for the greatest possible moisture removal. 

Most of our customers work with conventional air handling system.  As the codes get tighter in upcoming years, it will be more common to look at systems more dedicated to dehumidification, whether for the outside air, entire system, or a process. 

And if the weed growing industry starts in Wisconsin, even more so. 

Three of the speakers will be live, and we’d love you to be here in person to hang out and engage with our speakers before and after.  We love our remote fans, but we’d like to see a few more of your smiling faces.  Even if you’re not smiling!

See you in class.

You are invited to "Uncovering Four Ways to Dry Out Your Client's Buildings"

This is an in-person class with an option for remote attendance.

When: June 13, 2023 08:30 AM CT
Topic: Uncovering Four Ways to Dry Out Your Client’s Buildings
You can register for in-person or remote attendance with the link
Manufacturers Represented: Tempmaster by JCI, Bry-Air, Air Green and Solutionair by Price Industries
PDH credits available: 4

All the best,

Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223


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