Air Flow Inc. conducted two training classes in March.
“Learning About Large Building Heating and Control”
Frank Gray, AbsolutAire, Inc., dazzled us with eye-opening BEFORE & AFTER images. The image above left shows the use of only exhaust fans in a factory. The picture above right was taken at the same place, same angle, and only 20 minutes later using makeup air units. Startling!
“Dealing with Products that are a Pain in the Ass to Select”
Elizabeth Turner, Price Industries, covered a lot of ground during this class. We watched her run a program that selects and places air distribution automatically in under a minute. Who doesn’t want to accomplish more in less time?

In other news:
- The recordings of these sessions are on our website where you can watch the class (click here!).
- Our April 11th training session is being re-scheduled.
- Online registration is open for our training sessions in May.
You are invited to Solving Advanced Acoustic Challenges
This is an in-person class with an option for remote attendance.
When: May 9, 2023 09:00 AM CT
Topic: Solving Advanced Acoustic Challenges
You can register for in-person or remote attendance with the link
Manufacturers Represented: Price Noise Control
PDH credits available: 3
You are invited to Understanding Duct Acoustics 101
This is an in-person class with an option for remote attendance.
When: May 11, 2023 09:00 AM CT
Topic: Understanding Duct Acoustics 101
You can register for in-person or remote attendance with the link
Manufacturers Represented: Price Industries and Noise Control
PDH credits available: 3
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223