It’s a loaded question.
Over the past few months, I’ve hosted a handful of training classes for Air Flow. More than a handful of you came, and I appreciate it!
The training classes are recorded, linked on Air Flow’s website. Check ‘em out.
Question for you, Mr. and Ms. Contractor and Engineer. Would it make a difference to you if you could receive a PDH certification for watching and taking a quiz? The classes would be eligible, and those who sat in on the classes did receive one. If it would make a difference, Air Flow will find a way to make it happen. To enable this function off the website, the website team will get creative to create quizzes that force you to pay attention and watch the entire thing. A Wisconsin based PDH certificate, last I checked, requires 50 minutes with an industry professional. That needs to stay on the up and up.
Here’s the deal. If 25 of you will email me and contend that you’d watch and learn from one of the videos for a PDH certificate, Air Flow will find a way to make it happen. If not, these classes and future classes will be on the website for your use, and your own satisfaction will serve as the reward. ?
As far as the quality of the presentation goes, lots of people have come back after seeing one. These are built to educate without a bunch of sneaky hooks.
The next subject you’ll hear about is duct leakage. I know. Get the popcorn!
Until next time,
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223