Hi gang,
Two months ago, I retrofitted my home with a Kinghome Heat Pump. Out goes the old 2008 Carrier unit.
In comes the Kinghome heat pump and a new ADP heat pump coil.
I was able to keep my 2008 Carrier furnace. Seems to be in great shape! (Unfun fact: Lots of 2008 Carrier furnaces are not, failing heat exchangers.)
And yes, Focus on Energy did grant the Cold Climate Rebate, full amount.
Don’t worry, I don’t think they will run out of money for a while.

I took a bunch of short videos and strung them together into an educational story for seasoned pros and newbies to enjoy.
So when your friends ask you for your expertise onresidential air conditioning, feel free to pass this video along and save someof your breath.
And yes, I’m tracking my energy bills. So far, so good. Looking forward to my new 18 SEER ac bill vsmy old 13 SEER ac bill.
Here’s what the video covers:
· Electrical
· Refrigerant recovery
· Demolition
· New coil installation/sheet metal work
· Outdoor unit installation
· Refrigerant piping
· Dual fuel controls
· Rebate compliance
· Recommendations
If you’re a contractor, let us know you want to work together!
If you’re a homeowner, we’ll find you a contractor and workout the details.
If you’re an engineer, Kinghome works great for commercial applications too.
Until next time.
Tom Gelin
Air Flow Inc.
8355 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223