We’ve all heard the expression ‘Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.’ The Detroit Radiant/Re-Verber-Ray gang lives up to it. THE CHEAP WAY Consider…every infrared company lists the length of their heater and the BTU capacity of the heater. So, if you are...
Air Flow’s upcoming class Industry Testing Standards of HVAC Equipment (AMCA, AHRI, AMCA Sound) is going to spend some time on silencers. Why? The numbers insertion loss and pressure drop data is important. But more important is how the numbers were arrived upon. ...
Last post we talked about what we covet, which is what we see. Since high quality rooftop ductwork is rarely seen, it escapes our desire for it. Hannibal doesn’t let a little thing like being locked in a cell prevent him from having a vision of the world. He makes...
“How do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? No. We begin by coveting what we see every day.” Unfortunately, building dwellers don’t spend time daily on the roof and admire or recoil from the appearance of rooftop ductwork. If they did, no one...
I wish this program were available in my school district. Recently, Air Flow was invited to participate in Wauwatosa East’s Pre-Appreticeship program, headed up by Craig Griffie, Tech Ed Teacher and Certified Pre-Apprenticeship Program Coordinator. Air Flow had an...
“Tom, your VAV boxes are loud.” says contractor, speaking in a raised voice, pointing at the terminal box as it makes lots of noise. “I’m writing your brand out of the specs!” says engineer, fists on hips. “You can both go to he**.” I don’t say, because they might...
That’s a dandy of a question. It depends on the problem you are trying to solve. LINT: Price can accommodate a standard VAV box with an orifice ring instead of a cross flow sensor. Take the static pressure on both sides of the ring, know the opening size of the...