We’ve always had the HVAC products you need. What’s new is that we’ve made it easier for you to purchase them. Think of us as your Air Distribution Amazon. It’s our new e-commerce site. Use the button below to check it out. If you need help, please don’t...
By now, perhaps you’ve noticed. Air Flow’s estimating team is quoting options for pre-piped VAV boxes. They look like the image above. Of course, changing habits is a big deal, and we’re asking you to consider a change. Below are our responses to contractors without...
We’ve always had the commercial HVAC products you need. What’s new is that we’ve made it easier for you to purchase them. It’s our new e-commerce site. Just click the button below to create an account. Already have an account? Start purchasing. Got questions? Please...
All humidifiers look nice on the outside. Powder coated box with a keypad. Kind of simple, really. Water in, power in, steam out, drain out, (gas in, vent out?). The magic (or tragic) happens when you open the box and figure out what it’s going to take to clean the...
We represent Imperial Systems, makers of CMAXX, the best dust and fume collector available. Here’s what sets CMAXX apart from the competition. Let’s discuss using Imperial Systems on your next dust collection project. Give us a call. (414)...
Air Flow, Inc. is a stocking distributor for Gripple HVAC hangers and supports in Wisconsin. Place your order and have it picked up at our warehouse or have it shipped. Your call. Why Gripple instead of clumsy suspension systems? Easy to install Substantial...
Fall is almost here. It’s the perfect time of year to be thinking about heating with infrared. A properly designed system offers numerous benefits: Flexibility – Infrared heaters are well suited for a wide range of applications. Modular Design —Individual zone...
If you’ve been to the Wisconsin State Fair, you know the temperature gets pretty darn hot. These high temps are the perfect reminder that with these two manufacturers, Airius and MacroAir, destratification fans help distribute air and provide much needed relief from a...
You’ve been on this jobsite before. There’s just no room for the ductwork. Here’s a solution. The duct and the insulation are one. You can run it tight to the wall, the ceiling or another duct. It’s light and easy to assemble. It’s got all the UL stuff you need. And...