Can You Trust Air Flow with Air Conditioning? Introducing “Refrigeration Ron” You already trust Air Flow for … fans, terminal boxes, and grilles industrial ventilation even a silly video once in a while Why not Air...
Of course there is an ongoing shift toward direct driven fan assemblies. Consider the choices available and this discussion is worth some attention. There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to these options. Some facts to consider: OPTION 1: Belt Driven Fan Any Size...
Wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to turn down a high plume laboratory exhaust system (without sacrificing performance)? Now you can. Please take a moment to check out Air Flow’s Animated Power Plume Video. (We’re pretty proud of it!) More product details can be...
Has this ever happened to you? The construction bulletin got issued two weeks before the building was to be turned over. You had a brain fart when designing a room. The customer needs the change or fix done NOW. You needed the equipment yesterday. Air Flow is here to...
Undoubtedly, you’ve managed or been on a project with a lot of grilles, fire dampers, sheet metal accessories, fans, terminal boxes, and other equipment. Coordinating the arrival, inspection, unpacking, sorting, and distribution of all these materials is challenging...
Let’s say you are designing a project for an assisted living facility, a day care, a dorm, a fire station, a church, or a commercial office… And let’s say you want to add a kitchen hood for a small 4 burner stove… And let’s say you don’t want any trouble with the...
Since Air Flow started offering acoustical flex duct by Flexmaster USA, we’ve been able to solve a number of acoustic issues by simply replacing the standard flexible duct with acoustic flex. Please take a moment to review a short video on acoustic flexible duct . As...
Please take a moment to review a demonstration of the Aldes self-regulating volume control damper, CAR-II. The Aldes CAR (control air regulator) is one of Air Flow’s most intriguing, yet underutilized products. One of the biggest and best surprises about this product...
Take a moment to check out a short and entertaining video regarding the testing of fire dampers. We know several things that happen relating to fire damper testing: Enforcement is low. End users don’t necessarily know the dampers are to be tested. Not all contractors...
Air Flow is moving to a new facility! Our hope is to be in the new place mid spring 2014. The story behind the story is our current facility has run out of parking spaces, offices, warehouse, and, well, ample toilet facilities ☹ The purchase of the new facility took a...