We’ve all had the call that something is too loud. The VAV box, the diffuser, the grille. Before you start looking at anything, consider if a flex change can be effective. Below are the performance tables for type 1 and type 6 flex by Flexmaster USA. These products...
You probably thought you could get away with one. I say you need two! Many projects start with visions of grandeur, and then the budget gets in the way. I feel that all of us would like to class-up our systems with higher end equipment, but not every client is...
One of the culture models that we use at Air Flow is called ‘The Working Genius’. It’s a great tool, way better than Myers Briggs or Enneagram or DISC. Especially for the workplace. Here’s the poop: Some people are good at coming up with ideas. (Invention) Some...
Back in 2011, when Edition 1 came out, Price gave me a collapsible dolly to help deliver them. You know, those Canadians have universal healthcare, so they didn’t concern themselves much about the handful of trips I made to the chiropractor after physically...
Air Flow produced its first handful of videos just over 10 years ago with a startup marketing agency named SRH. In 2013, Matt, Kurt, and Sam were just three young whippersnappers. They had a fledgling business, no customers, and unconventional ideas. Just my type!...
The July class title was ‘How to create your own government supported energy project.’ The subjects to be covered were the 179D tax rebate, rebates for Combined Heat and Power (CHP), and a look at residential heat pumps. When I wrote the class content, I figured I...
I’m not generally a person who uses ‘told you so.’ If you miss this class, something comes up that got covered, and it bites you in the butt, it will be tempting to reach into that bag. Alternatively, attend the class (remote is fine for this one) and you can...
We’ve all heard the expression ‘Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.’ The Detroit Radiant/Re-Verber-Ray gang lives up to it. THE CHEAP WAY Consider…every infrared company lists the length of their heater and the BTU capacity of the heater. So, if you are...
Air Flow’s upcoming class Industry Testing Standards of HVAC Equipment (AMCA, AHRI, AMCA Sound) is going to spend some time on silencers. Why? The numbers insertion loss and pressure drop data is important. But more important is how the numbers were arrived upon. ...
Last post we talked about what we covet, which is what we see. Since high quality rooftop ductwork is rarely seen, it escapes our desire for it. Hannibal doesn’t let a little thing like being locked in a cell prevent him from having a vision of the world. He makes...