I’m taking liberties with our class title ‘Wrestling with Electrification and Carbon Footprint”. Get your heckles in while you can. Our twig-like arms look anything but ‘Super’. That’s me and my twin brother Larry, nineteen-seventy-something. As usual, I got the...
Sorry if we missed you in our dehumidification class earlier this month. Here’s what you missed: 1. An explanation of the difference between hot gas bypass and the use of a Rawal valve. And we took a close look at the Benefits & Considerations of hot gas...
Odds are, you don’t know if beneficial electrification is beneficial. You may have an opinion, which is not the same as knowledge. Hey, most of our elected officials don’t possess this knowledge either. Maybe this post sounds judgmental, but there is a basis...
My twin boys are 15. To them, I am annoying and ‘cringy’. They don’t hold any fear of me like I did of my parents when I was a kid, so they say whatever they want to me without any filtering. Can you relate? (For the other 50+ folks on this string, the cringy...
A while ago, the market for rooftop units changed. Maybe not for you, but it did. JCI branches stopped selling major equipment, creating a vacuum in the market. Air Flow had been selling Fraser-Johnston (a JCI brand) which was limited to 40 tons. With the...
Your client expects you to come up with a dehumidification solution. And with good reason. It’s directly linked to indoor air quality, occupant comfort and energy consumption. Luckily there are tiered solutions available. With this lineup, you’re in a position to...
Stubborn? Maybe I am. Sometimes it’s a fault, and sometimes a virtue. Years ago, Air Flow marketed an innovative product called Advantix, a liquid desiccant dehumidifier packaged with air conditioning. If you worked with Air Flow 10 years ago, you may have heard...
All tools are good. Matching the tool to the job is straightforward when you’re digging a hole. Managing humidity is certainly more challenging. The more tools at your disposal, the better you’ll be at accomplishing your job. Each of the manufacturers presenting at...
Hi gang, Two months ago, I retrofitted my home with a Kinghome Heat Pump. Out goes the old 2008 Carrier unit. In comes the Kinghome heat pump and a new ADP heat pump coil. I was able to keep my 2008 Carrier furnace. Seems to be in great shape! (Unfun fact: Lots of...
I’M STUMPED Look, everyone hates a sound problem after a project is wrapped up. But ignoring acoustics on the front end isn’t the right path. Why would you roll the dice, either by leaving silencers off your plan, or not getting reliable support? YOUR...