When I picked this class for 2025, I didn’t know who our speaker would be. As you know, the class is named “Psychedelics Psychrometrics for Dummies”. Some things are just meant to be. Dude. Cosmic. Jason volunteers, and the planets align. And here...
Last year, our most popular training class was ‘Electrical for Dummies’. (Dust collection was a close second!) We’re bringing back some of that vanilla flavor for 2025. This year, the subject is psychrometrics. Dry bulb, wet bulb, relative humidity, enthalpy, grains,...
Back in 2011, when Edition 1 came out, Price gave me a collapsible dolly to help deliver them. You know, those Canadians have universal healthcare, so they didn’t concern themselves much about the handful of trips I made to the chiropractor after physically...