It’s Now or Never

It’s Now or Never

As March Madness is approaching, so is our very first Road Show of the year. And we’ve figured out a way to combine hands-on training while enjoying the games. Find us in Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Madison next week, along with our friends from Price Industries. You’ll...
Can Air Flow and Price be Your Hydronic Cinderella Story?

Can Air Flow and Price be Your Hydronic Cinderella Story?

March Madness and Cinderella Stories.  They go hand in hand. The hydronic offering we’re showing you is a bit of a Cinderella story as well. After all, the name of our company is Air Flow. And Price is more synonymous with air distribution. Ah hah!  Now there’s the...
I will register now, I will wait

I will register now, I will wait

HVAC people, Since we’ve been doing live events, we know you like to keep your options open. It’s human nature to wait to register, often until the last minute. But hey, the “Nothin’ But Net With Low Water Temperature Heating For Terminal Boxes, Fan Coils, Perimeter...
Your Design with Low Water Temps

Your Design with Low Water Temps

We’ve already talked to you about terminal boxes using lower water temperatures.  OK great, one problem solved.  Maybe… What about the rest of the building? My return water temperature differential!  What if it’s over 20F?  My perimeter heat!  Can I use finned tube at...
You’re Invited to Our First Road Show of 2025

You’re Invited to Our First Road Show of 2025

It’s not too early to be thinking about March Madness. And it’s always a good time to discover ways to create designs that use higher efficiency heating systems.  If you’re using a central heat pump system, great!  If you’re maximizing your condensing boiler water...
What’s Different About Our HVAC Training Program This Year

What’s Different About Our HVAC Training Program This Year

You won’t recognize some of our training sessions in 2025. That’s because we’re shaking things up. It’s a fact that we humans learn better during hands on training. Better subject matter retention and more engagement when you can hold the product. Additionally, it...
Schedule Your Training at Air Flow for the Rest of the Year

Schedule Your Training at Air Flow for the Rest of the Year

Hey folks, By popular demand, you can schedule and register yourself for Air Flow training classes for the remainder of the year. Register for Training Classes Also, the recordings of the following classes are up on the website. A separate announcement will be made...