I will register now, I will wait

I will register now, I will wait

HVAC people, Since we’ve been doing live events, we know you like to keep your options open. It’s human nature to wait to register, often until the last minute. But hey, the “Nothin’ But Net With Low Water Temperature Heating For Terminal Boxes, Fan Coils, Perimeter...
VAV Boxes with Pre-piped Coils Coming Your Way

VAV Boxes with Pre-piped Coils Coming Your Way

By now, perhaps you’ve noticed. Air Flow’s estimating team is quoting options for pre-piped VAV boxes. They look like the image above. Of course, changing habits is a big deal, and we’re asking you to consider a change. Below are our responses to contractors without...
More Heating BTUs Please

More Heating BTUs Please

Over here in Air Flow’s engineering department, we get to selections VAV boxes for engineers and contractors.  Thanks for sending them our way.  Of course, once the selections get to lower heating water temperatures, it takes longer.  The terminal boxes can’t meet all...
Price Industries VAV Box Leakage Nerd Becomes VAV Hydronic Nerd

Price Industries VAV Box Leakage Nerd Becomes VAV Hydronic Nerd

Back in February 2024, Mark Mahon from Price introduced Price’s new terminal box casing offering, which features very exciting low leakage properties. Go ahead, scoff at me.  I think leakage is a big deal. Mark is back with more tales of nerdery. Last time, we covered...
VAV Boxes No Longer All the Same

VAV Boxes No Longer All the Same

VAV Box Manufacturers of VAV Boxes Before Class Manufacturers of VAV Boxes AFTER Class See you in class! You are invited to "Next Generation Terminal Box Offering"This is a remote-only attendance class. When: December 3, 2024 10:00 AM CTTopic: Next Generation Terminal...