Price Industries VAV Box Leakage Nerd Becomes VAV Hydronic Nerd

Price Industries VAV Box Leakage Nerd Becomes VAV Hydronic Nerd

Back in February 2024, Mark Mahon from Price introduced Price’s new terminal box casing offering, which features very exciting low leakage properties. Go ahead, scoff at me.  I think leakage is a big deal. Mark is back with more tales of nerdery. Last time, we covered...
VAV Boxes No Longer All the Same

VAV Boxes No Longer All the Same

VAV Box Manufacturers of VAV Boxes Before Class Manufacturers of VAV Boxes AFTER Class See you in class! You are invited to "Next Generation Terminal Box Offering"This is a remote-only attendance class. When: December 3, 2024 10:00 AM CTTopic: Next Generation Terminal...
Air Flow Doesn’t Bundle Like Those Other Guys

Air Flow Doesn’t Bundle Like Those Other Guys

You know Flo from the insurance commercials on TV. But you don’t know Flow from Air Flow, Inc. Watch our parody video and get a chuckle as Flow gives her team member, Zack, a motivating pep talk after he loses a sale. Unlike the other guys, we care deeply about you...
Ring and Du Show Us How DV Gets Done

Ring and Du Show Us How DV Gets Done

I wish you’d take my word on it that DV should be used more often. Maybe you’ll take theirs? Kirk, Staci, and Mike from Ring & DuChateau Consulting Engineers are Air Flow’s guest speakers for our displacement class. Each of them has designed and installed multiple...
100% of the Time, it Works 100% of the Time

100% of the Time, it Works 100% of the Time

For displacement, it just works. Even better than Sex Panther by Odeon. All the projects have worked great.  Waiting for you to come around. See you in class, tiger. You are invited to "Non-conformist Ventilation"This is an in-person class with an option for remote...
Air Flow Tackles Bundling

Air Flow Tackles Bundling

When you hear Patrick Mahomes talk about “bundling” in those now famous insurance commercials on TV, he’s referring to good news for customers. However, as many of you will attest, bundling is a bad word in HVAC. We took it upon ourselves to shine a spotlight on this...
Do the Diffusers Need to be Mounted Low? Nah.

Do the Diffusers Need to be Mounted Low? Nah.

When you pick a ceiling or sidewall diffuser, the throw in heating and cooling mode changes due to buoyancy. You have to pull out the book, look at the flow, and look at the throw, to get the right neck size. Get that wrong, a draft is created, as is a call back for...
A Thermostat for All with Displacement

A Thermostat for All with Displacement

I think a solid gold thermostat would be amazing bling for these guys.  After all, they are storytellers.  Wouldn’t it be cool if we all could take our thermostats with us?  Temp control wherever we go.  DJ Khaled probably runs a bit hot, being a big guy.  Snoop, on...
Find Out How the DV Story Ends

Find Out How the DV Story Ends

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that DV has been trumpeted by me for 15 years. Still, many of you are not believers. Oh, I do love a challenge.  Yes, I’m talking to you, Mr. ‘I haven’t had anyone ask for it’.  and Ms. ‘I haven’t run into the...
Five Pieces of the RTU Selection Puzzle

Five Pieces of the RTU Selection Puzzle

Full disclosure, I do puzzles. Not often, but when I do it’s satisfying when the pieces come together. That’s what we’ve packaged for you at September’s training class, “Magically Clean Up Your Rooftop Selections”. Here’s how the class breaks down. Puzzle Piece #1...