“How do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? No. We begin by coveting what we see every day.” Unfortunately, building dwellers don’t spend time daily on the roof and admire or recoil from the appearance of rooftop ductwork. If they did, no one...
I wish this program were available in my school district. Recently, Air Flow was invited to participate in Wauwatosa East’s Pre-Appreticeship program, headed up by Craig Griffie, Tech Ed Teacher and Certified Pre-Apprenticeship Program Coordinator. Air Flow had an...
“Tom, your VAV boxes are loud.” says contractor, speaking in a raised voice, pointing at the terminal box as it makes lots of noise. “I’m writing your brand out of the specs!” says engineer, fists on hips. “You can both go to he**.” I don’t say, because they might...
That’s a dandy of a question. It depends on the problem you are trying to solve. LINT: Price can accommodate a standard VAV box with an orifice ring instead of a cross flow sensor. Take the static pressure on both sides of the ring, know the opening size of the...
Are lab controls complicated? Not really. For a DFDM project, the requirement is to use a JCI programmed controller. Fine, the State will do what the State will do. For your private lab job, you can do whatever you want. Just so you know, Antec’s controls are...
Just a few weeks ago, I posted that it had been 25 years since I became the ‘new’ owner of Air Flow Inc. If you’ve followed any of our social posts and videos, you know that founder Al Gelin passed away in a plane crash in 1995, and founder Neil Drees from cancer in...
Fun fact, how much you trust others is a testable trait. This BEHAVIORAL TRAITS diagram is from a personality test called PXT that we use for new hire evaluations. The results shown here are mine. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR OUTLOOK? Perhaps you are more on...
Think about that job. The one that went all wrong. The one that kept you up at night. It had you question whether this industry was still right for you. Someone dropped the ball and let you down. It wasn’t the dollars lost, the hours spent, or the lecture your boss...
Reps spend an inordinate amount of time marketing lab and air flow control products compared to their frequency of use. You have options. And in the right setting, they all work fine. The decision comes down to which brand you trust. And who has a better reputation...
I recently spent time with some of Air Flow’s favorite customers. We hopped planes and inspected Price’s technical center outside of Phoenix. I heard several customers gush about the performance of our sales teams. That sure makes me feel good. And I got to thinking...