We Kick Off the 2024 Training Program Pondering Two Wagers

We Kick Off the 2024 Training Program Pondering Two Wagers

Did you read or watch ‘Around the World in 80 Days’?  No issue if you didn’t.  Fun fact, the entire journey takes place due to a bet.  A big one. A new railway across India creates the possibility for an ordinary human to circumvent the globe, representing a...
2024 Training and a Trip Back to High School English

2024 Training and a Trip Back to High School English

Hey there, Air Flow course content follower. For 2024, I thought it would be fun to have a literary theme for each class. From ‘Frankenstein’ to ‘1984’ to the Old Testament. Take a moment and try to picture yourself back in freshman English.  If you were in honors...
Don’t make me hire an HVAC lobbyist

Don’t make me hire an HVAC lobbyist

On October 10th, Air Flow hosted a class about all-electric building design.  Heat pumps, low water temperature heating systems, low-lift/high-efficiency design, displacement, facades, etc.  I know, pretty fancy. One of the class attendees shared that their company...
Even 60 Minutes gets it wrong.

Even 60 Minutes gets it wrong.

Our next training session is about room comfort.  Upcoming posts will more directly address that topic. Meanwhile, I notice that 60 Minutes has a piece on HVAC and air quality.  The piece aired Sunday, October 29th and was called ‘The Air We Breathe’. Oh my gosh, our...
Air Flow’s RTU Offering and Tennis

Air Flow’s RTU Offering and Tennis

A while ago, the market for rooftop units changed.    Maybe not for you, but it did.    JCI branches stopped selling major equipment, creating a vacuum in the market.  Air Flow had been selling Fraser-Johnston (a JCI brand) which was limited to 40 tons.  With the...