Hey there Air Flow customers and suppliers. For the last 16 months, Air Flow has been working on an enterprise software and accounting change. The migration is upon us, and it will take place over the weekend of April 27th and 28th. The timing is unfortunate because...
Way back when, (2014) you may have seen Air Flow’s Grand Opening “Save the Date” video. This video was cooked up and kept a secret from all of Air Flow’s employees. The team all had the ‘reveal’ at the same time. Everyone was gathered around the conference room table,...
Our dust collection system is grandfathered. Your Customer Says who? Their inspector and insurance agent A couple of weeks ago at the Air Flow Inc. dust collector seminar, an engineer shared that an existing school cyclone dust collector was not to be touched to avoid...
Hey you, For those of you who have stuck with me for the newsletters and blog, I have a longer post to share with you. It dawned on me that it’s been 20 years since I bought the company. On March 3, 1999, I was 28 years old. The remaining sales staff had recently...
Hey folks, It’s been a while since Air Flow shared any news to share on the product front. Here we go! Bry-Air – Win Air Flow has joined up with Bry-Air for desiccant solutions Many of you remember Air Flow’s promotion of Advantix. Unfortunately, Air Flow’s...
“How are you doing?” “Almost perfect.” That’s how Randy Sikkema answers that question. It makes me like him more, want to share more information with him, and work harder. Most likely, things get more perfect for Randy because of his engaging method to answering that...
A few posts ago, I talked about the merits of prickly customers for the supplier. Think about the upside of being prickly – yourself. To be prickly, it is a requirement to state: “What I really want is …”. This is in lieu of hoping the supplier figures it...
Perhaps it’s a Wisconsin cultural thing, but it’s rare that customers speak up when things aren’t going well. If it’s glaring, (missed date, incorrect submittal, etc.) it’s easy to make a point about a dropped ball. If the issue is attitude, fairness, understanding,...
For the last 4 years, I listen to podcasts, and almost every day.Many will think that’s weird. At 5-10 hours a week, it’s more time than what I spent in 4 years of college lectures and labs.I listen to health podcasts, leadership podcasts, religious podcasts, and Bill...
About 6 times a year, my leadership group sees a presentation by a professional speaker. The topics are broad ranging. One such speaker was a professional negotiator. (I thought I had married the only professional negotiator in the world. ?) Anyway, Mr. Pro Negotiator...